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Product Details

Pink Summer Dress

0.0 ★

$79.00 0% Off

In Stock
  • Product SKU: nME6219Djo

S -Length 77.5cm Waist 54cm Chest 63cm Hip 70cm

M-Length 79cm Waist 58cm Chest 67cm Hip 74cm

L - Length 80.5cm Waist 62cm Chest 71cm Hip 78cm

Terms and Conditions
By submitting and/or confirming your order, you understand and accept our company's shopping terms and conditions. Submission and confirmation methods are not limited to online shopping platforms, but also include orders submitted and confirmed by phone or email.

Product information
The store will try its best to ensure the authenticity of the product pictures, the accuracy of the information and try its best to display the true color of the products, but it cannot make any guarantee for the above and reserves the right to change the above information without further notice. The selling price or product packaging of all goods is subject to the order confirmation before delivery. Since the products sold in our store are all originally packaged and/or imported, all imported product packaging retains the original local packaging, including labels and product descriptions.

You are willing to abide by the relevant shopping rules and freight collection mechanism of this site. There is a gap between the time when the customer places the order and the time when the system accepts the order. Therefore, when the customer places the order, the system shows that it is still in stock, but when the system accepts the order, it may be out of stock. If the product you purchased is no longer in stock before the system accepts your order, we will notify you as soon as possible. If any product is sold out, our store will not give prior notice. If the above situation occurs, our store will notify you by phone or email.

Cancel Order
After placing an order, customers cannot change the order content, so customers must make sure that all information is correct before placing an order. Once an order is placed, we cannot change or cancel it.

Payment methods
For direct payment online, customers can pay by credit card, Alipay and WeChat. If the product purchased by the customer requires a reservation or an offline order, the company will contact the customer separately to provide in-store payment services. It is the customer's responsibility to keep any form of receipts and/or records as proof of payment.

deliver goods
The store reserves the right to charge additional fees to customers in the following circumstances: there is more than one delivery destination for a single order; due to incomplete or wrong delivery address, or no one to receive or pick up the goods at the specified address or time and incur additional charges.

Our store will not assume any responsibility for any problems caused by incorrect or improper use of products; our store reserves the right to modify and revise selling prices, delivery charges, and online shopping terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice; in case of any disputes, Our store will reserve the right to make the final decision.

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